Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Another Big Trade

The dust had finally settled from the big trade a couple of weeks ago. The new cards were collated into their respective spots in the set build box. The trade feedback had been left. The blog entry about the trade had been published. Then what do you know, another big trade offer showed up out of left field. And it was by none other than woodmangb, the same big trade partner as last time. This time the offer was of a bunch of 1970's (over 100) for my set build in exchange for most of my 1964 Red Sox doubles.

The Roberto Clemente was the big name in the lot. I have very few cards of him from his playing days, so this one is great to have.

These were probably the next two biggest names. Neither are hall of famers, but both had plenty of star moments.

And just like last time, there were some big big names to be found on league leaders cards. 

This trade more than doubled my 1970 progress, which now is at 232/720 or 32.2%.

1 comment:

  1. That Clemente is fantastic! I like the Kaat too.

    I've got to get my lazy self onto TCDB.
