Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Minneapolis 2/3

Last Friday mid-afternoon I found myself sitting in my car at Twin Cities Sportscards in Golden Valley, Minnesota.  They had needed to close up the shop early to make a trip to a show out of state.  I was supposed to meet a guy there that afternoon.  He's not a blogger, but he goes by Noy on the trading card database.  We met at this same card shop over a month ago, and had arranged thru TCDB to meet again the next time I was in town.  I had quite a few cards from his want list to give him.   To kill a little time, I decided I'd enter the cards I had just purchased that day into the TCDB on my phone, hoping Noy would show up soon.  And after about ten minutes, he did.  After trying the locked card shop door, he looked around the lot.  He must have seen my South Dakota plates, and walked on up to my car.  I'm glad I hung around a few minutes.  I wasn't expecting anything in return, but he had brought along a nice return package of cards for me.  Here's a look at what was inside.

This is my first manufactured relic card.  It couldn't have been of a better player as far as I'm concerned.

There were three great additions to my Yaz PC.

 And three for the Clemens PC as well.

And three hall of famers knocked off the 1972 set build.

These are my first 2018 Bowman cards.

There were some 2018 Bowman Chrome Prospects of the Red Sox as well.

There were a whole bunch of Minnesota North Stars cards.  That's very fitting since I had been digging thru old North Stars just minutes before in the card shop. 

Overall, Noy overdid himself. I wasn't expecting anything in return, and instead I think he outgave what I gave him. Thanks for the trade, Noy! The cards are much appreciated!

So how did I spend the rest of the afternoon? I'll get to that in part 3.

1 comment:

  1. The Yaz manurelic is pretty neat, and so are those Bobby Smith North Stars cards. But wow, those '72s look nice!
